give your new pet the healthiest start
Pre-Adoption Testing
Know More, Worry Less
Peace of Mind Pet Screening
Before adoption (or before anesthesia if surgery is needed), our veterinarians perform a full physical exam. However, some health issues cannot be detected through an exam alone. Peace of Mind Pre-Adoption Testing helps uncover hidden medical conditions and gives your pet the healthiest start in their new life with you. Any pre-adoption testing add-ons must be selected and paid for prior to the adoption being finalized.
Blood Testing
Healthy Start Panel $70
Screens for diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease
Comprehensive Wellness Panel $85
Includes everything in the Healthy Start Panel, PLUS detection of anemia, infection, and inflammation
Ultimate Health Screen $100
Includes everything from the Comprehensive Wellness Panel, PLUS evaluation of the liver’s ability to process anesthesia safely and electrolyte levels