Rescue Report: Monkey’s House and Dottie’s Village

a dog with a harness on a small cart

Animal welfare organizations share a common goal: save as many animal lives as possible. Because of that, it makes sense that we also share a common saying, “it takes a village.” When shelters, rescues, fosters, animal hospitals, and the community come together, we can advance that goal more than we ever could separately. Dottie’s case is a perfect example. 

Earlier this summer, a senior Shih Tzu, later named Dottie, was found as a stray in devastating condition. The kind citizen who found Dottie transported her to a local animal hospital, who then contacted us. We took Dottie in and treated her numerous medical issues. Still, we knew she needed more specialized attention, so we reached out to the place we knew she belonged – Monkey’s House.

Monkey’s House Dog Hospice and Sanctuary provides loving care to homeless dogs with terminal diagnoses. They have worked with us many times in the past to help heal and house dogs who need extra support at the end of their lives. One of our amazing volunteers and fosters, Sara, also volunteers with Monkey’s House. Sara has been critical to Dottie’s recovery, a lifeline on her care team. We’re tremendously grateful to both Sara and Monkey’s House for being part of Dottie’s village. Here is what Monkey’s House said when they welcomed Dottie into their care:

“On a hot, 90+ degree day, someone noticed a box on the grass. For some reason, they looked in the box. Inside was a flea covered, severely matted, emaciated, dehydrated, and paralyzed senior dog. Thanks to good people who acted quickly, this dog (now named Dottie) survived. Her fleas were killed, and her mats were cut off. She was given medical attention, food, water, and most importantly, love.

Unfortunately, one of her back legs needed to be amputated – deepest gratitude to the great team at the York County SPCA for saving her and taking great care of her. A very special thanks to Sara for fostering her, helping her recover from surgery, loving her, helping her heal, and for transporting her here.

Dottie will not be defined by her past or this unfathomable horror. We vow that from this moment forward, Dottie will be loved and treasured beyond measure, and she will know it; she will feel it every. single. day. Please join us in welcoming Dottie, the best is yet to come!”

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