Spay/Neuter Clinic to Update Pricing of Services, Effective January 1, 2025

Since the York County SPCA Spay/Neuter Clinic opened in August 2013, our mission and unwavering goal has been to provide affordable spay and neuter services to pet owners, rescues, and community cat caretakers across York County and surrounding areas.  Periodically, the leadership team must reevaluate our sustainability, costs, and pricing structure to continue providing these services for the long term. Due to rising costs, we will be instituting price changes on our spay and neuter services for owned pets and community cats, effective January 1, 2025.    

We have made every effort to keep our services low-cost and accessible to those who need them. Affordable spay/neuter surgeries, microchipping, and vaccinations are critical community services that we want all York County animals to benefit from. If someone cannot afford services due to financial hardship, they are encouraged to email, as we can refer them to resources for help.

Beginning January 1, 2025, the price for clinic services will be as shown below. This price continues to include a physical exam, anesthesia, spay/neuter surgery, postoperative pain medication, and an Elizabethan collar for recovery. Prices for owned pets now also include microchipping and microchip registration at no additional charge if your pet is not already microchipped. Previous pricing will be honored for those clients who have already scheduled an appointment for 2025 and have prepaid for services. Please see the new pricing chart below, and if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us at

2025 Spay/ Neuter Clinic Services Pricing

ServiceNew Price
Male dog neuter 0-50 lbs.$190
Male dog neuter 51-100 lbs.$200
Male dog neuter 101+ lbs.$215
Female dog spay 0-50 lbs.$215
Female dog spay 51-100 lbs.$280
Female dog spay 101+ lbs.$315
Male cat neuter$110
Female cat spay$140
Rabies vaccine$25
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program fee$25
Pre-operative bloodwork$70-100
Microchipping for TNR cats$50
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