The York County SPCA works tirelessly to preserve the bond between people and their pets.
Whether you are experiencing financial hardship, met with an unexpected crisis, or simply need assistance, we invite you to explore our human service programs.
Report A Lost Pet
Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic
Pet Food Pantry
Post-Adoption Resources
Emergency Boarding
Rehoming Your Pet
Low-Cost Veterinary Care
Giving Up Your Pet
Building Stronger Bonds Between Animals and People
For Community Members
The York County SPCA is committed to building communities where a harmonious relationship exists between ALL animals and residents, but we can’t do this work alone. Join us in standing up for animals who otherwise wouldn’t have a voice or are unable to help themselves.
I found a Pet
Report Cruelty or Neglect
Community Cats
Shelter Admissions
Stray Canine Intake policy
Cultivating Awareness and Advocates for Animals
Learning Center
The York County SPCA works to empower people of all ages to treat animals humanely, bring awareness to current animal issues, and create lifelong advocates for animal welfare. Explore our resources below to learn more about caring for and supporting the wellbeing of animals in your home and community.
Paw Print Post
Video Library
In The News
Need More Help?
Additional Resources
Search for free or low-cost support services in your area with Human Animal Support Services (HASS). If you are having financial difficulties and are in need of vaccinations, tests, or routine care for your pet, please consider visiting the low-cost PetVet Wellness Center inside of Tractor Supply.
Do you believe every animal deserves a second chance?
Become a beacon of hope for animals who need it the most.
Your support to the Second Chance Fund covers the extraordinary expenses of life-saving medical care. But most importantly, your donation brings hope for a brighter tomorrow for these animals.