Finding A New Home For Your Pet

Giving Up Your Pet

Pet Owner Resources

Alternatives TO surrender

At the York County SPCA, we work to preserve the human-animal bond, that means keeping people and pets together. If you are considering giving your pet up or “surrendering” them, please review these alternatives to surrender.

Review Pet Care Assistance Programs

Often, people give up their pets because they are struggling to meet that pet’s basic care needs. The YCPSCA has human service programs designed to keep pets in their homes and ensure they are well cared for.
a dog food bag with paw print and paddle

Pet Food Pantry

a dog house with bone in the door

Emergency Boarding

SafePet is a 30-day program that assists individuals facing domestic violence, displacement from natural disasters, or homelessness.
a stethoscope and dog paw with dollar sign

Low-Cost Veterinary Care

a dog with a crown on its head

Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic

Consult with a Professional

If your pet is exhibiting problematic behavioral patterns, there could be many potential causes, and many potential solutions. First, talk to your vet about your animal’s behavior, if there are any common triggers, and ask for solutions. Some behavioral issues can be a symptom of underlying medical issues and can be easily fixed by receiving veterinary care.
If your pet’s behavioral pattern is not health related, talk to a trainer. Even if your pet is an adult, senior, or has received previous training, a professional trainer may be able to help find ways to reduce or eliminate behavioral issues.

A Shelter-Free Transition for Pets

Rehome Your Pet

If you have considered the ways our human service programs can help you provide pet care and are still not able to keep your pet, consider rehoming them.
Rehoming is the second-best solution for your pet and involves placing them into a new home directly from yours. By skipping a stay at the shelter, your pet will experience a calmer and much more comfortable transition and avoid the potential fear and stress of staying at the shelter.
The YCSPCA partners with an online rehoming service called Rehome by On this site, you can fill out a profile about your pet for families looking to adopt to review. Potential adopters will fill out an application, pay an adoption fee determined by the owners, and then a meeting will be coordinated. Listing a pet on is $5. When you use the YCSPCA referral code, your listing fee is just $1.
RCXHAQTL2U8AD8Z Click to Copy

Surrender Application Process

Surrender Your Pet

If you have considered alternatives and still need to surrender your pet, please complete the steps below. We understand that giving up your pet to a shelter can be a difficult and emotional decision. The YCSPCA provides a non-judgmental approach to working with you and your pet.
We do not accept on-the-spot pet surrenders, and availability for pet surrenders is subject to our current shelter population and capacity for care.
List Your Pet on Rehome

The shelter can be a stressful and overwhelming environment. Listing your pet on <a href="">Rehome</a> (referral code: RCXHAQTL2U8AD8Z) by not only ensures they experience a calmer and much more comfortable transition, but it also provides you with the peace of mind of selecting the best family for your pet.

Complete A Surrender Form

Please complete the appropriate form accurately and with as much detail as possible. A completed form requires: 1) A photo of the pet(s) you would like to surrender, 2) Veterinary records for the pet(s) you would like to surrender, and 3) Training or behavior records for the pet(s) you would like to surrender (if applicable).

Review Submitted Form With Staff

A YCSPCA staff member will review the submission and contact you to discuss your form and to schedule a Surrender Evaluation Appointment.

Attend A Surrender Evaluation Appointment

During this appointment, YCSPCA staff will evaluate your pet’s temperament, health, potential adoptability, and resiliency for the shelter environment. At this time, the owner must provide all medical records and behavioral notes. If the animal is denied entry into the shelter, the owner will be informed immediately. If they are accepted, they can enter our care at that time and the surrender fee will be collected.

If your pet is denied acceptance into our care, we recommend listing your pet on a rehoming site, consulting with your veterinarian, and exploring other options, such as placement with a rescue organization.

Supporting Essential Care for Every Pet

Surrender Forms and Fees

The YCSPCA is a nonprofit animal shelter that relies on community support to care for homeless pets.
Suggested surrender fees help to alleviate the cost of animal care and ensure we can be there for pets when they need us most. Even if you submit a pet surrender form, we still recommend you list the pet on a rehoming site so they can potentially avoid time in the shelter. Only pets in York County can be accepted for surrender.
  • Dogs $50
  • Cats $35
  • Small Animals & Exotic Pets $25
a rabbit standing in a circle

Need More Help?

Additional Resources

Search for free or low-cost support services in your area with Human Animal Support Services (HASS). If you are having financial difficulties and are in need of vaccinations, tests, or routine care for your pet, please consider visiting the low-cost PetVet Wellness Center inside of Tractor Supply.

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