Keeping Pets Fed and Families Together
Pet Food Pantry
Pet Food Assistance for York County Residents
Pet Food Pantry
Our Pet Food Pantry ensures that no pet in our community goes hungry and that no family has to surrender their beloved family member simply because they cannot afford food.
While we aim to help all families in need, program participants must understand that the availability of this program is dependent on the generosity of community donations and, as such, has limitations and restrictions. Pet food is available one time per month, per household. This program is only available for York County residents. Any pet owner in York County experiencing financial hardship can utilize this program. The Pet Food Pantry operates on a first-come, first-served basis and is subject to availability.
Please complete this form each time you would like to apply for assistance through our Pet Food Pantry (even if you have utilized the program in the past.)
Support for Colony Caregivers
Cat Colony Aid
The Cat Colony Aid program aims to help individuals care for community cat colonies by relieving some of the financial burden on colony management.
Please note that this program is only meant to be supplemental and is subject to the availability of pet food for us to supply to the community. The Cat Colony Aid program operates on a first-come, first-served basis, and donated food varies from month to month. Individuals may receive cat food, coupons, or both to be picked up at the York County SPCA.
Need More Help?
Additional Resources
Search for free or low-cost support services in your area with Human Animal Support Services (HASS). If you are having financial difficulties and are in need of vaccinations, tests, or routine care for your pet, please consider visiting the low-cost PetVet Wellness Center inside of Tractor Supply.
Support Our Pet Food Pantry
Our Pet Food Pantry relies on the generosity of our community for food and other life essential supplies. Check out our wish list for our current most-needed items to help keep families and their beloved pets together.
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