Keeping Pit Bulls Healthy

Pit Bull Spay/Neuter Program

Today At The Clinic

Sat, Mar 15th
Clinic Closed Now
Monday – Friday 7 AM – 4 PM



TNR Walk-Ins Monday - Thursday

a dog with its leg in front of a ball

Safely Managing The Pit Bull Population

Pit Bull Spay/Neuter

Due to breed overpopulation, we provide spay/neuter surgery for pit bull-type dogs in York County for a discounted price of $50.
If you have a Pit Bull-type dog in your family and would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us with the following information:

What We Offer

Pit Bull Spay/Neuter Services

The Pit Bull Spay/Neuter Program costs $50 per dog, which includes the spay/neuter, pain medications, an e-collar to go home, and a microchip. Dogs must be at least 12 weeks old and have proof of a current rabies vaccination (certificate required) or must be vaccinated for rabies on the day of surgery. You may opt for additional services at the time of drop-off.
  • Pre-Surgical Bloodwork $70-100

    Required for dogs 6 years and older

  • Female Dog in Heat $25
  • Cryptorchid Male $25-45

    Per testicle

  • Rabies Vaccine $25
  • Distemper Vaccine $20
  • Flea Treatment $16-19
  • Hernia Repair $25-42
  • Canine Heartworm, Lyme, Anaplasma & Ehrlichia Test $18
a white dog with pink eyes

Preparing For Your Visit

Clinic Hours

Monday – Friday With Appointment

The spay/neuter clinic is located on the left side of the building. Please park in one of the numbered parking spaces in the lower parking lot and remain in your vehicle for a staff member to come to you.

Check In Between

7:00 - 7:30 a.m.

Pick Up Between

3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Surgery Protocol

  • Please do not feed your pet after midnight the night before and the morning of the procedure. Water is okay.
  • Please bring a record of your pet’s rabies vaccination. Please note that rabies tags are not considered valid proof of vaccination.

Have A Question?

Pit Bull Spay/Neuter FAQs

For your convenience, we have put together some of the most commonly asked questions about the Pit Bull Spay/Neuter Program. Of course, if you have a question not covered here, please feel free to contact us.
How do I qualify for the Pit Bull Spay/Neuter Program?

Any York County resident can have their Pit Bull type dog spayed/neutered for $50. The owner must provide a photo of their license (to prove residency,) a photo of their dog (to confirm it is a Pit Bull type dog; genetic confirmation is not required), and a phone number for contact.

How do I schedule an appointment for the Pit Bull spay/neuter program?

If you have a Pit Bull in your family and would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us with the following information:

  1. A photo of your license. This is to confirm that you are a York County Resident. The Pit Bull Spay/Neuter Program is only available to York County Residents.
  2. A photo of your dog to confirm that it is a Pit Bull. Some Pit Bull mixes may qualify for the program, but they need to look primarily like a Pit Bull in order to qualify.
  3. A phone number for contact.
I do not live in York County; can I still utilize the Pit Bull Spay/Neuter Program?

Only York County residents qualify for the $50 spay/neuter program, but if you do not live in York County, you can utilize our low cost spay/neuter program.

Can I still opt for additional services if I utilize the Pit Bull Spay/Neuter Program?

Yes, you can still opt for additional services for your pet when you make the appointment or during check in the morning of surgery.

Spay It Forward

You can help improve the quality of life of animals throughout our community.
Donations to the Spay It Forward fund offset the costs of surgeries and allow us to offer drastically reduced fees for feral cats and York County pit bulls. These services are a vital part of reducing pet overpopulation and managing community cats.

How Can We Help?

Clinic Contact FOrm

If you are approved for the Pit Bull Spay/Neuter Program, you will be notified via email, and instructed to schedule your appointment online.  A deposit for the full price of spay/neuter surgery will be required.  Appointments are typically confirmed within 72 hours.  When your appointment is confirmed, you will be refunded the difference between the deposit and the $50 Pit Bull Spay/Neuter Program price.  Please note that we tend to book several months out for these appointments.
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Clinic Closures
The clinic is closed the following dates:
  • Monday, December 23 to Wednesday, January 1, 2025
  • Thursday, January 9 (Open for owned animal appts. only)
  • Wednesday, March 26 to Friday, March 28
  • Friday, April 18 to Friday, May 2
  • Monday, May 26
  • Monday, June 30 to Friday, July 4
  • Friday, August 22 to Monday, September 1
  • Wednesday, September 17 to Friday, September 19
  • Wednesday, November 26 to Friday, November 28
  • Monday, December 22 to Friday, January 2, 2026

Dogs in Heat

If your dog is currently in heat or her heat cycle has ended within the past six weeks, it is strongly recommended to delay her surgery until the uterus and ovaries have returned to their normal state. Being in estrus (in heat) can put your pet at an increased risk for intraoperative and postoperative bleeding. Being in heat will also increase your pet’s time under anesthesia and increase the size of her surgical incision. 

If you need to reschedule your appointment, please email, and we can reschedule your pet to a later date. If you wish to proceed with the surgery despite your pet being in heat or recently being in heat, there will be an additional waiver to sign at check-in stating that you acknowledge the increased anesthetic risks involved in having the procedure, and a $25 “in heat” fee will be due at the time of pick-up.

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