Improving the Well-Being of Our Community

TNR Program

Today At The Clinic

Mon, Mar 31st
Clinic Closed Now
Monday – Friday 7 AM – 4 PM



TNR Walk-Ins Monday - Thursday

a group of cats lying on a dog

Did You Know?

One female cat can have up to 0 kittens in her life.

On average, female cats will have 1-2 litters per year of 3 kittens each for 12-15 years.

Safely Managing The Community Cat Population


Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is a method of spay/neuter for outdoor, free-roaming cats.
Community cats rapidly reproduce, causing overpopulation, animal suffering, and high kitten mortality. Participating in TNR is the only proven way to humanely decrease the population of free-roaming community cats. Before utilizing our trap-neuter-return program, please fully review the program guidelines below.


For One Cat

TNR Walk-In Procedure

We accept walk-ins Monday – Thursday with no appointment necessary.
All TNR clients are required to fill out a brief form upon arrival, and a staff member will check in each client via iPad at their vehicle. A veterinary technician will examine the cat after it is under anesthesia and alert the doctor of any abnormalities. You will be contacted by phone while the cat is under anesthesia if any serious medical concerns need to be addressed.

Check In Between

8:00 - 8:30 a.m.

Pick Up Between

8:00 - 8:30 a.m.

The Next Day

For Multiple Cats

TNR Appointment Procedure

An appointment is only required to bring more than one cat per visit.
If you plan to bring multiple cats in for the TNR Program, please contact us to set up an appointment. Demand for appointments fluctuates throughout the year, but we are typically able to fulfill TNR appointments within 1-3 months of your request.

Check In Between

8:00 - 8:30 a.m.

Pick Up Between

3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

The Same Day

What We Offer

TNR Program Services

The TNR Program costs $25 per cat due at check-in, which includes the spay/neuter, rabies vaccine, and ear-tipping. You may opt for additional services at the time of drop-off. Cats must weigh 3 pounds (~12 weeks old) to have surgery and receive a rabies vaccine. They are sedated and then weighed. Due to the cost of sedation/anesthesia, the $25 fee will NOT be refunded if the cat is found to be less than 3 pounds.
kitten feature
Humane, live-release trap rentals are available at the Brougher Companion Animal Shelter. If you need to rent a humane, live-release trap, please contact us. Trap rentals require a $60 cash deposit per trap, which will be refunded when the traps are returned on time and in good working order. Trap rentals are allotted for a week at a time. For safety reasons, cats that have arrived in traps will NOT be transferred to a carrier at pickup.

TNR Transport Form

A TNR Transport Form is required for clients transporting TNR cats that are cared for by someone else, or have been trapped on another individual’s or business’s property.

Post-Surgical Release

Caring for A Trapped Cat

Ideally, the cat should not be released until at least 24 hours after surgery.
It is very important that the cat is kept safe and dry inside the trap, at least overnight, prior to release to give the cat time to recover from surgery. The only exception is if the cat is a nursing mother and must be returned to her kittens.
You may also want to refrain from releasing the cat during inclement weather, such as rain or snow, so the surgical site can stay dry.
a cat sitting in front of a cage

Spay It Forward

You can help improve the quality of life of animals throughout our community.
Donations to the Spay It Forward fund offset the costs of surgeries and allow us to offer drastically reduced fees for feral cats and York County pit bulls. These services are a vital part of reducing pet overpopulation and managing community cats.

Have A Question?


For your convenience, we have put together some of the most commonly asked questions about the TNR Program. Of course, if you have a question not covered here, please feel free to contact us.
What is included with the TNR Program?

In addition to the spay/neuter service, the TNR Program provides the following for each cat: 

  • Rabies Vaccination: All cats receive a rabies vaccination while in our care.
  • Ear Tipping: Each cat’s left ear is tipped to help people easily identify that they have been spayed/neutered and vaccinated for rabies. Ear tipping is required for all cats and cannot be declined.
  • Tattoo: Each cat receives a green scoring tattoo on the abdominal area by their belly button. This tattoo is a universal sign that the cat has been spayed/neutered.
What if the cat is already spayed/neutered?

If the cat has a microchip, we will attempt to contact the microchip registrant, but the cat and accompanying microchip information will be returned to the trapper if we do not hear back from the microchip registrant before the cat is scheduled to be picked up.

What if the cat was trapped outside of York County?

Yes, the spay/neuter clinic accepts everyone no matter where they reside or where the cat was trapped.

Does the cat need to be in a trap even if it’s friendly?

Even if the cat is a friendly outdoor cat, it still needs to be in a humane trap. This is for the safety of the cat and our staff as they handle them.  

Why do cats have to be in a quick-release trap?

For the safety of the cat, yourself, and our staff, all cats must come in a humane live-release trap. Free-roaming cats have unknown rabies status and cannot be handled awake. The humane trap allows staff to sedate the cat through the bars and safely handle them once they are sedated. Cats that arrive in carriers or anything other than a trap will be turned away.

How do I care for a trapped cat?
  • Always provide fresh water for cats, regardless of age.
  • Always cover the trap with a sheet, towel, or blanket to provide a much-needed sense of security for the cat during transport and to help keep them warm during the winter months.
  • Make sure the trap is set in a safe place where the cat cannot be affected by inclement weather or extreme temperatures.

How Can We Help?

Clinic Contact FOrm

If you have a question, need to schedule or cancel an appointment for multiple cats, or request access to medical records from a previous appointment (proof of rabies vaccination status,  bloodwork, etc.), please contact us using the contact form. To help us better assist you, please provide the pet’s name and the name of the person who scheduled the appointment.

The Spay/Neuter Clinic will be closed Wednesday, March 26 through Friday, March 28

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Clinic Closures
The clinic is closed the following dates:
  • Monday, December 23 to Wednesday, January 1, 2025
  • Thursday, January 9 (Open for owned animal appts. only)
  • Wednesday, March 26 to Friday, March 28
  • Friday, April 18 to Friday, May 2
  • Monday, May 26
  • Monday, June 30 to Friday, July 4
  • Friday, August 22 to Monday, September 1
  • Wednesday, September 17 to Friday, September 19
  • Wednesday, November 26 to Friday, November 28
  • Monday, December 22 to Friday, January 2, 2026
High Volume TNR

Due to the high volume of patients we see, there are instances where we may not be able to do surgery on all TNR cats that have been checked in that day. If this occurs, a staff member will call you and let you know. Cats waiting for surgery will be cared for overnight and will have surgery the following day. Pick-up will then be the morning after the procedure from 8:00-8:30 a.m.

Dogs in Heat

If your dog is currently in heat or her heat cycle has ended within the past six weeks, it is strongly recommended to delay her surgery until the uterus and ovaries have returned to their normal state. Being in estrus (in heat) can put your pet at an increased risk for intraoperative and postoperative bleeding. Being in heat will also increase your pet’s time under anesthesia and increase the size of her surgical incision. 

If you need to reschedule your appointment, please email, and we can reschedule your pet to a later date. If you wish to proceed with the surgery despite your pet being in heat or recently being in heat, there will be an additional waiver to sign at check-in stating that you acknowledge the increased anesthetic risks involved in having the procedure, and a $25 “in heat” fee will be due at the time of pick-up.

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